

Making the Invisible Theaters Visible

We run the Making the Invisible Theaters Visible project together with the Badhuis Theater from Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


In 2020, like all cultural and art institutions and organizations, we faced a challenge: how to work during a pandemic, in a sanitary regime, the impossibility of live meetings, and a lockdown. We had to make a big change in our productions, rethink the ways and formats of our creativity and organization. We started using remote tools to reach our audience, participants and colleagues.

The Making the Invisible Theaters Visible project presents a year-long history of these changes, full of discoveries, experiments and new formats.

On a specially created Facebook channel, we share our experience of online theater, performative and participatory work. We use videocasts, texts and podcasts to talk about how we worked, how we created, and invited participants to do so.

As part of the project, we present:


– the performance Lessons of Resistance – we present a videoclip from the show about the Teachers’ Strike 2019, which was a multi-channel zoom broadcast in real time


– Show about positive masculinity – “We wanted to talk about manhood, but we became friends” – trailer and text and photo stories about working on the show


– Young Laboratory of the Social Theater – a series of meetings with the warsaw youth leading to the show “Daily fears” – we will show you fragments of recordings of this performance


– an audio-performative walk inspired by our show EMPATHY. We will present a shortened version of the walk. Each of you will be able to use this video as a performative instruction.


– an participatory Performative Festival “Divers and Astronauts”, which we organized on the Internet from June to October 2020. We will tell about this festival through a cartoon film.


– “Scenarios for the future” – a series of workshops for young people about their future work – we will tell you about the complexity of this cycle using text, sound and photos.


– Social Theater – a series of workshops. We will show you how we worked in the workshop as part of this project. We especially want to share our ideas for working with the body.


– Unforgettable. Stories about Women – a virtual exhibition and accompanying events telling about the most important female figures in the history of Warsaw. A short trailer of the project will let you understand how we worked with women’s stories.


Additionally, as part of the project, workshop seminars are held, during which we talk about the future of theater pedagogy and performing arts in the context of the pandemic.

The first seminar is devoted to the topic of HOPE and the question whether art can carry it.

The second seminar will be devoted to the topics of creative circles and how you can combine the formula of support groups, development workshops and artistic work.

And how to do it with the zoom.


Visit the project’s FB channel.






Stowarzyszenie Pedagogów Teatru

Argentyńska 5a/10,

03-952 Warszawa

tel. 669 254 225


NIP 521 358 2589

numer KRS  0000355169

regon  142611162

konto  BZ BWK S.A

98 1090 1694 0000 0001 1493 6705


Emilii Plater 31

(budynek byłego Gimnazjum im. Wojska Polskiego)

Link do MAPY z LUB/LABem