Theatre Pedagogues’ Association
We are a living example that a theatre can be a place to explore and express views on a modern world. It can be a chance and opportunity for different people and groups to cooperate, to reflect, experiment and meet not only with others but also solely with one self.
Since 2010 we have been developing the idea of theatre pedagogy both in theory and in practice. We carry out original socio-artistic projects and cooperate with culture institutions and organizations in all regions of Poland.
We create and produce original pedagogical-theatrical projects, original theatrical projects and performances. Some of them may end up in a full theatrical production or performance, other may focus on the creation process itself. We design and conduct sets of workshops. We experiment with new forms. In all our actions we follow the following core principles: our desire to explore and use the potential of the whole group and experience of any individual we are currently working with; our faith in participants’ abilities, our need to strengthen and develop the construct of critical thinking. Our work is based on the use of modern theatrical and performative means, we work with physical training, acting techniques, we work with words, body, voice, group energy and space including public space, we also work with memory and social responsiveness. We induce critical thinking and keen sense of observation.
We train and inspire teachers, actors, activists, theatre instructors, culture animators. We conduct theatrical and pedagogical-theatrical workshops for schools, creative groups, families, children, young adults, seniors, institutions and theatres.
We work with local communities focusing on the attentive and appreciative observation of their culture and local specifics, coming up with theatrical forms of unanimous actions rooted in the indigenous potential.
We support theatre pedagogues in the whole area of Poland. We invite to cooperation theatres we regularly work with while developing the pedagogical-theatrical projects.
We write texts on the theatre pedagogy, about its values and the exemplary praxis. We publish, we perform during conferences. We initiate the exchange of experience among theatre pedagogues and practitioners. We create opportunities to reflect and talk about methodology, ideas, tools and all sorts of inspiration by inviting experience theorists, theatre artists and theatre pedagogues.
We believe that theatre is not only an aesthetic form of art expression but also a narrative about the world and society, about its problems, tensions, fantasies and desires.
Theatre Pedagogues’ Association has worked since 2010: designing and carrying out original educational, artistic and socio-artistic projects as well as mapping and supporting the development of theatre education in Poland.
We have been working with different approaches to the theatre pedagogy in all sorts of places – in schools, theatres, universities, community centers and unrelated areas and spaces.
Between 2014 and 2019 we were seated in LUB/LAB together with Sztuka Nova Association in Warsaw Praga district. It was a place we conducted experimental and theatre-educational activities and invited the inhabitants of the district and the whole city to participate. We have been setting up local partnerships between our organization and both public and independent educational, artistic and community-based institutions.
In 2016 we co-created and participated in four activities within the Integrated Programme of Praga Revitalization in partnership with Powszechny Theatre (Otwarta Ząbkowska – Pracownia Małego Teatru/ Open Ząbkowska – Small theatre forms workshops) and two years long interdisciplinary actions of Praska Pracownia Twórcza “Przyjęcia” co-founded by Powszechny Theatre, Komuna Warszawa and Sztuka Nova Association. We have also invited pupils from Mazovia voivodeship to visit Warsaw theatres to see theatre productions for which we design and conduct theatre workshops within “Direction – theatre” programme financed by the Mazovian voivodeship.
In March 2020 we moved to our new premises to a building of a former junior high school Gimnazjum im. Wojska Polskiego situated at Emilli Plater 31. Currently we have been unable to move due to the pandemy.