

Unforgettable – women stories



„Unforgettable – women stories” is a project of educational workshops and creative actions inspired by the life stories of crucial female figures in the history of Warsaw. It aims at commemorating, popularizing and creative interpretation of less known or appreciated achievements of women who are important for the history of Warsaw. We want to broaden the consciousness of herstory among the participants and audience of our actions. We want to propound and reflect on the stories of women, treat them as the source of inspiration for creative, artistic and educational varieties of civic activities. 


Theatre Pedagogues’ Association often takes up the issue of remembrance in its activities – the transmission of history and memories, which we share between generations. Representing the fields of both pedagogy, theatre and education, we creatively seek answers to the following questions: what constitutes the collective memory, what kind of information it contains, what excludes? The issue of remembrance was brought up within the context of women important for the history of the capital city when we were considering the prospective developments of our work in the new seat in a former Hoffmanowa Highschool building at Emilii Plater street in Warsaw. We want to use the methods and tools we work with to arrange a space of creative reflection on women whose actions were pivotal in history and look at them afresh with different groups of audience. 


Four modules: theatre-pedagogical family workshops, performance-dramaturgic workshops. music workshop and teengarers’ workshops set in the space of the exhibition summing up all the workshop activities will be carried out within the project. 


Partly financed with the financial means acquired from Polish History Museum within the project „Patriotism of Tomorrow”. 





Stowarzyszenie Pedagogów Teatru

Argentyńska 5a/10,

03-952 Warszawa

tel. 669 254 225


NIP 521 358 2589

numer KRS  0000355169

regon  142611162

konto  BZ BWK S.A

98 1090 1694 0000 0001 1493 6705


Emilii Plater 31

(budynek byłego Gimnazjum im. Wojska Polskiego)

Link do MAPY z LUB/LABem