

Intergenerational City Patrol

Intergenerational City Patrol is a performance group made of male and female inhabitants of Warsaw. We relate through art to the current social and political situation in Warsaw, Poland and the whole world. Thanks to our attentive, improvisational practices, experiences and meetings with experts we create unique forms of expressions through regular workshops – this time we invite the audience to audition. 


“We live in Warsaw and we look at this city together. We seek channels within art that will make our point of view visible. Our podcasts make it happen online.”


Podcast is a result of 2 months’ online workshops during the pandemy (March-May 2020). The following female and male members of the  Intergenerational City Patrol are its authors: Ewa i Janek Leśniewscy, Wojtek Komosa, Bogdan Banaś, Marta Wolf, Małgorzata Krupińska-Nowicka, Hanna Wiśniewska, Jacek Merlański, Magdalena Glinka Janiak, Paulina Andruczyk, Aleksandra Antoniuk.


Music and editing:

Magdalena Sowul



Paulina Andruczyk

and Aleksandra Antoniuk are responsible for the workshop processing and the final outcome of the podcast. 

All episodes are available in Polish sign language 


Podcast available at  Anchor, Spotify and YouTube.


Intergenerational City Patrol is a part of „Dramaturgy of the city” – project made by Theatre Pedagogues’ Association co financed by the city of Warsaw.  





Stowarzyszenie Pedagogów Teatru

Argentyńska 5a/10,

03-952 Warszawa

tel. 669 254 225


NIP 521 358 2589

numer KRS  0000355169

regon  142611162

konto  BZ BWK S.A

98 1090 1694 0000 0001 1493 6705


Emilii Plater 31

(budynek byłego Gimnazjum im. Wojska Polskiego)

Link do MAPY z LUB/LABem